Using Copy Grabber™ To use Copy Grabber™, select the special Copy Grabber tool and use it to drag across any area of a Quark XPress document that you wish to Cut or Copy. This selection procedure is very similar to creating a Quark text box. The selected area will then be "Marqueed" by the XTension for easy reference. Once you have selected the area of the page to work with using the Copy Grabber tool, the following dialog will appear:      Click on the Cut button (or use the hot key sequence, Cmd-Option-X) and the text within the marquee will be removed. In the above example, the column of 1992 data will be removed, and the 1993 and 1994 columns will move over. The final result appears below:   Final result after the first column (1992 data) was Cut using Copy Grabber™. Two remaining columns have moved over, leaving room for the insertion of 1995 data. Grabber™ Undo Feature All of the Grabber XTensions provide complete Undo/Redo capability. If you wish to Undo or Redo your changes, use the Grabber™ menu (available under Quark's Edit menu), or use the Grabber Undo/Redo hot key sequence (Cmd-Option-Z).   Pasting with Copy Grabber Each time you perform a Cut or a Copy using Copy Grabber, the text is saved on a special clipboard (which is separate from Quark’s clipboard). You can now use Copy Grabber to paste that text into a different location, different text box, or even a different document! Note: Although you can Cut or Copy text across multiple text boxes, that text can only be Pasted into a single text box. Let’s take an example. Below is a small price chart containing 3 separate columns. Assume that you want to swap the last two columns so that the Price/Case column appears in the middle, and the Price/Each column appears at the end of the table. Note: The following example demonstrates the use of the Copy Grabber Smart Tabs™ feature. Please see the Smart Tabs section of this manual for further information on this feature. 1) Start by clicking on the Copy Grabber tool and drag a marquee around the middle column. Make sure that you enclose all of the tab characters to the right of each line in this column as this will cause the last column to move over after the cut (choose Show Invisibles from the View menu or Command-I to be sure that you have enclosed all of the tab characters). When you are ready, click on the Cut button, or use the keyboard equivalent Cmd-Option-X.    2) When the cut is complete, the last column will move over. Now, move the I-Beam cursor where you want the previous column to be inserted. In this example, you should select the Content tool and position the I-beam just before the return code on the first line of the table (see above). Whenever you perform a paste operation, always position the cursor directly to the left of where you want the pasted text to be inserted. Also, make sure you do not have a range of text selected when you attempt a paste. The Copy Grabber paste feature is active for a specific insertion point only and will not allow you to “paste over” any highlighted text.   3) Once the insertion point has been established, select Paste Copy Grabber from the Grabber menu (or use the keyboard equivalent Cmd-Option-V). The deleted column will be pasted into position. With Smart Tabs enabled, Copy Grabber places a tab character to the left of each inserted line, and removes the previously deleted tab character from the end of each line, resulting in a perfect fit.     Just like that, in 3 easy steps you are able to reposition a complete column of text. Copy Grabber Smart Tabs™ Feature As you can probably tell, Copy Grabber is no ordinary cut and paste utility. The program is actually designed to function similarly to some popular word processing software packages (such as Microsoft Word) where you can drag-select, copy, cut or paste text vertically. In a professional composition program such as QuarkXPress, this is not such an easy feature to replicate. Because we felt that the Copy Grabber XTension had its best application in the area of tabular composition (such as the previous example), we have added a feature called Smart Tabs™ to the program. The Smart Tabs feature is enabled via the Copy Grabber preferences dialog (described later in this manual), or on the fly from the Copy Grabber main menu. When Smart Tabs is enabled, Copy Grabber assumes that you will be working with tables...Copying, Cutting and Pasting columns of information which had been set using tabular composition. When you perform cut and paste operations using Smart Tabs, Copy Grabber anticipates what you are trying to do. For instance, if you remove the last column in a table, Copy Grabber will ensure that the preceding tab character is also removed, and that the line end character for each line remains in place. If the Smart Tabs feature was disabled and you were to perform the same operation, all of the text falling within the marquee area would be removed (including line endings), and Copy Grabber would make no attempt to “clean up” the table. When To Use Smart Tabs As stated earlier, the Smart Tabs feature was designed specifically for working with tables. If you intend to use Copy Grabber primarily for tables, then Smart Tabs should be left on all the time. However, if you know exactly what you want to delete (or copy) and are able to drag a marquee around it, then Smart Tabs should be disabled. In the end you will have to try the XTension both ways and make a decision. Changing Multiple Areas with Copy Grabber Each of the Grabber XTensions provides a feature which allows you to perform the previous action without bringing up the dialog. With Copy Grabber, this feature can be useful if you will be doing Cuts in several different locations in a document. To use the feature, start by selecting the Copy Grabber tool and drag a marquee around the first area you wish to change. Then, select Cut as you normally would. The text in the selected area will be deleted. Now, to clear a different area, hold down the Control and Command keys as you drag out the Copy Grabber marquee. You will notice that the cursor has changed to an arrow rather than the crosshairs while you are doing this. When you release the mouse, Copy Grabber will perform the last operation (in this case, it does a Cut) without bringing up the dialog. The text which you have marqueed is deleted instantly. This feature allows you to delete several columns of text in different locations (or different documents) very quickly. Be aware, however, that if you wish to paste the text in a different location, Copy Grabber will only remember the most recent cut. Therefore, if you perform two cuts, you will only be able to paste the text from the second cut. If you make a mistake, remember that the Undo/Redo capability of Copy Grabber will apply to the last change which was made. Other Copy Grabber Options The Copy Grabber dialog contains two checkboxes: Include Attributes and Smart Tabs™. Each of these items is also available in the Copy Grabber preferences dialog. By making these features available from the Copy Grabber dialog as well as the Preferences dialog, you have the option of choosing these features on the fly. Please see the preceding sections for a complete description of Smart Tabs, and see the Preferences section for a complete explanation of Include Attributes. Copy Grabber Keyboard Shortcuts Most users prefer to use key combinations to perform certain actions whenever possible. To make Copy Grabber even easier to use, we have provided the following keyboard shortcuts: Copy Button: Cmd-Option-C (or hit the Return key) Cut Button: Cmd-Option-X Paste: Cmd-Option-V Undo/Redo: Cmd-Option-Z Cancel: Cmd-Period